
Pakistan Trade House Business Fair

Pakistan Trade House Business Fair is an effective procurement and networking platform, which over the years generated hundreds of signed contracts and new business relationships for its participants. Top managers of large international companies submit their sourcing needs and participate in these events to meet relevant suppliers and service providers.

Some of the companies, that regularly participate are: 3M, American Express, Amway, Boeing, Cargill, Chevron, CITI, Coca-Cola, Delta, EY, GE, IBM, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, Kellogg, Mars, MasterCard, McDonald’s, PepsiCo, VISA and others.

Annual HR Conference

Annual  Pakistan Trade House HR Conference is a one-day event for Moscow’s HR community, organized by the  Pakistan Trade House HR Committee. It attracts HR professionals from more than 100 major multinational and Russian companies. Pakistani companies are on-board and welcome to be registered.

Annual Tax Conference

Annual  Pakistan Trade House Tax Conference is a vital forum for discussing developments in the Russian tax system. Participants of this half-day event include leading Russian tax experts and representatives of the Russian government and  Pakistan Trade House member companies. Guest speakers provide updates on tax administration reform, corporate income tax, VAT, and other tax issues.

Pakistan Trade house helps Pakistani businessmen to sort out legal and tax matters in Russia.

Annual Business and Investment Conference

Pakistan Trade House Annual Business and Investment Conference is a one-day discussion on the economy and current investment climate in Russia. This event is attended by leaders from the Russian and international business, government, and academic communities, who through a series of presentations and discussions, analyze issues affecting business in Russia.